How to Update User Digital Business Card Profile:
Owners and Admins have the ability to update a user's digital business card profile. This requires access to the Wave for Teams plan.
Follow these steps to make the necessary changes:
Access User Management:
Log in to your Wave account with Owner or Admin access.
Select the User:
Find the user whose digital business card profile you want to update.
Click on the "..." near the user's name.
Edit Profile:
Click on "Edit Profile" to access the user's digital business card profile.
Update Profile Design:
From here, you can update the user's profile design that is shared with potential customers.
Content You Can Add or Edit:
About Section: Add or update the user's about section to provide a brief introduction or bio.
Social Media: Link to the user's social media profiles.
Websites: Add or update links to relevant websites.
Background Image: Upload a new background image to enhance the profile's visual appeal.
Gallery: Add or update images in the user's photo gallery.
Other Content: Include any other pieces of content that may be relevant to the user's profile.
By following these steps, Owners and Admins can ensure that the user's digital business card profile is current and accurately reflects the user's professional identity, making it more appealing to potential customers.