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How to Create an Auto-Tag

This guide provides a straightforward process for creating auto tags on your personal Wave profile.

Lena Habchi avatar
Written by Lena Habchi
Updated yesterday

Auto Tag is a feature in Wave that automatically assigns a specific tag to new contacts you connect with during a selected time frame. This helps streamline contact organization by eliminating the need for manual tagging. Once set up, any new contact added within the defined period will be categorized with your chosen tag, making it easier to track and manage leads or connections efficiently.

Creating Auto Tags

1. Navigate to and log in to your profile

2. Click "Contacts"

3. Click "Auto Tags"

4. Click "Create"

5. Click the "Title" field.

6. Type in the name of your auto tag

7. Click the "Tags" field

8. Select your "Tag"

9. Click "Create"

10. All Set! Your "Auto Tag" has been created.

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