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Max-Antoine Clément avatar
Written by Max-Antoine Clément
Updated this week

In this page, we provide a step-by-step guide on how users can integrate Salesforce in their Wave account to sync contacts and lead across their Salesforce ecosystem.

Integrating Salesforce in Your Wave Account

Follow the below steps to set up your Salesforce integration:

  1. Login to your Wave user account

  2. Go to Settings, then click on Integrations.

  3. Click on the 'Connect' button.

    Connect Salesforce
  4. A pop-up will open, allowing you to turn on contact auto sync between your Wave and Salesforce accounts. We recommend leaving this on. Press 'Continue.' A new tab will open asking you to authenticate your Salesforce account.

    Toggle Auto Sync
  5. Provide your Salesforce credentials in the fields provided. Press 'Log In.'

    Note: The account you authenticate must be a Salesforce administrative account to ensure your integration works properly.

  6. After reviewing the permission prompt, grant Salesforce access to your Wave account data. You will now be re-directed to your Wave account.

  7. Verify a successful integration of Salesforce by spotting the ‘Disconnect’ button across Salesforce.

    Disconnect Button

    Note: Your Wave contacts will automatically sync as 'Leads' in your Salesforce account.

Congratulations 🎉, you have successfully integrated Salesforce in your Wave account.

Non-Admin Users: for proper integration of Salesforce, contact your salesforce admininstration to Manually Add Wave Connect External ID.

Contact Owner Assignment:

Wave Connect automatically assigns Lead/Contact owner based on the creator's email. If the email does not match with any Salesforce user, the default value specified in your Salesforce account applies.

Manually Add Wave Connect External ID

  1. Navigate to 'Lead' in'Object Manager' under 'Setup.'

    Natigate to Leads Settings
  2. Verify that 'WaveConnectId__c' exists under 'Fields & Relationships.'

    Check For Wave Connect External Id Under Fields and Relationships
  3. If 'WaveConnectId__c' does not exist, create a new field by clicking 'New' under '-Fields & Relationships-.'

    Add a New Field to Fields & Relationship
  4. Select 'Text' for 'Choose the field type' and press 'Next.'

    Setup New Field: Step One
  5. Enter the following details for 'Enter the details' then press 'Next.'

    Setup New Field: Step Two
  6. Confirm 'Standard User' is checked under 'Established field-level security' and press 'Next.'

    Setup New Field: Step Three
  7. Under 'Add to page layouts,' select all layouts you wish to add this field to then press 'Save.'

    Setup New Field: Step Four
  8. If 'Wave Connect External Id' already exists under 'Fields & Relationships,' click its name to navigate to its properties then press 'Set Field-Level Security.'

    Navigate to Field-Level Security
  9. Confirm 'Standard User' is checked under 'Field-level security for profile.' Press 'Save.'

    Check if Standard User is Checked
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